
Insingizi is releasing their latest A cappella CD in February 2004 in the UK (ARC Music International) The album has an inspiring message that has been build on lyrics that cover a wide range of challenges facing people today. The vocals are blended with so much dexterity as to bring out not only the message but to do so with a captivating prowess.
 On stage,Insingizi leads the audience to the roots of African music and thus convey their fundamentally positive attitude towards life. On top of all this, the three artists are first-class singers. Each and every chord is right and the three voices are in perfect harmony. Warm melodies, a deep base – until the last minute of the two-hour concert.

" Denn Afrikanischer Gesang geht nicht ohne Körperbewegung, ohne Tanz. Niemals. Und so wandelt sich die Begeisterung in Raserei, als die Boygroup oberkörperfrei den 15-minütigen "Gummistiefel-Tanz" performt. Ekstatisches Gekreische wie bei einer Teenie Band"  Leipziger Volkszeitung 10 May 2003

Apart from their a cappella project, they are well known as part of the Hans Theessink Band (backing vocals)

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Dumisani "Ramadu" Moyo



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